Thursday, April 12, 2012

Comic Book Industry Blunders

What has gone wrong within the industry and can it be fixed? The rape and pillage, in the eyes of
some, may have left the comic book industry gasping for life support. It seems that for an
industry that has seen so much success, the history of comic books, has apparently been
confounded by seemingly dumb mistakes.

The first could have very well been the coining of the name "comic books". The earliest versions
of the so-called half-tab (for half tabloid) reprints of the Sunday funnies (the comics) became
known as "comic books". This led to the thinking in general, that comic books contained comic
or funny material, which we all know, is a far stretch from reality. Comic books can be very
somber, dark or adventurous magazines. It has often been suggested that there should be another
term coined to better describe this literary package we all know as comic books. To date, no
other user-friend term has been suggested for use in the comic book industry.

A second misdirection came when magazine prices started to rise. Instead of increasing comic
book prices, like other successful magazines did, the comic book industry decided to cut pages to
keep the then current price tag of 10 cents. This brought on the impression that comic books
were "cheap" by definition, and neglected the fact that a dime was a lot of money at one time
(steak & eggs cost 35 cents). This presented the image that comic books were just for kids. It
also made the product increasingly

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